News Archives
Long-Term Loan in summer season 2023
The long-term library loan is planned as follows:
The implementation Period:25 July - 24 Aug.
Due Date:8 Sep.
Open Hours in August 2023
OPEN : Monday to Friday 10:00 to 16:30
CLOSED : Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, 14th(Tue) and 11th(Wed)
Open Hours in August 2021
OPEN : Monday to Friday 10:00 to 16:30
CLOSED : Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, 10th(Tue) and 11th(Wed)
Long-Term Loan in summer season
The long-term library loan is planned as follows:
The implementation Period:16 July - 20 Aug.
Due Date:6 Sep.
Open Hours in August 2019
OPEN : Monday to Friday 9:15 to 17:15
CLOSED : Saturdays, Sundays, 13th(Tue) and 14th(Wed)
Long-Term Loan in summer season
The long-term library loan is planned as follows:
The implementation Period:25 July - 14 Aug.
Due Date:29 Aug.
Up to: 5 items
Long-Term Loan in summer season
The long-term library loan is planned as follows:
The implementation Period:24 July - 24 Aug.
Due Date:10 Sep.
Up to: 5 items
The period of the long-term library loan cannot be extended.
Open Hours in August 2017(13/7/2017)
OPEN : Monday to Friday 9:15 to 17:15
CLOSED : Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays,
Aug 14(Mon.) and Aug 15(Tue.)
Long-Term Loan in summer season(5/7/2017)
The long-term library loan is planned as follows:
The implementation Period:24 July - 31 Aug.
Due Date:26 Sep.
Up to: 5 items
The period of the long-term library loan cannot be extended.
Year-End and New Year Holidays Library Schedule.
Sciences Library will be closed
from Wednesday, December 28, 2016
to Wednesday, January 4, 2017.
Long-Term Loan in winter season.
The long-term library loan is planned as follows:
The implementation Period:12 Dec. - 27 Dec.
Due Date:18 Jan.
Up to: 5 items
The period of the long-term library loan cannot be extended.
Science library will be closed due to a power cut.
By power outage at Komaba Campus, you can not use the magnetic stripe card at the closing time of the science library with the following schedule.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
We apologize for any inconvenience, but thank you for your understanding.
Suspension of book delivery service.(17/11/2016)
Book delivery service from libraries in Hongo, Kashiwa and Shirogane Campus will be suspended due to the traffic restriction for Komaba Festival.
Nov. 24(Thur.)-Nov. 25(Fri.)
Since Nov. 23 (Wed.), other campus library materials are from MyOPAC
Application for ordering is possible, but arrival will be after Nov. 28 (Mon.).
We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your cooperation.
Temporary suspension of out of hours entry to the library using magnetic stripe card (10/26/2016)
Due to carpet cleaning, temporary suspension of out of hours entry to the library using magnetic stripe card (Entrance Card).
From Saturday, November 5 to Sunday, November 6.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your cooperation.
The opening hours will be changed as follows:
8/22 Mon. 9:15 - 14:30
*Only available for the members of building 15/16 who can enter it with magnetic stripe card (Entrance Card).
Open Hours in August 2016(1/8/2016)
OPEN : Monday to Friday 9:15 to 17:15
CLOSED : Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays,
Aug 12(Fri.) and Aug 15(Mon.)
Long-Term Loan in summer season(21/7/2016)
The long-term library loan is planned as follows:
The implementation Period:25 July - 19 Aug.
Due Date:9 Sep.
Up to: 5 items
The period of the long-term library loan cannot be extended.
August 18, We cannot use email system
(cannot send/write/read emails)
For urgent matters,please call us.
【8/18】Temporary suspension of Univresity of Tokyo Library
Homepage server, UTokyo Repository, Rarebooks Databases.
Univresity of Tokyo Library Homepage server, UTokyo Repository,
Rarebooks Databases will be stopped on Thursday, August 18, 2016.
The detail is following:
【Important】Temporary Suspension of Online Services(7/7/2016)
UTokyo OPAC will be renewed at July, 21 2016.
The following service will be temporarily unavailable.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
■The following services are not available on
Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at the service counter.
-Extending the loan period
-Borrowing the books of other campus libraries
-Registration for library use
■Online service will be temporarily unavailable.
For more information:⇒
the news of MyOPAC.
SSID "utroam" will be out of service from Apr. 28(4/25/2016)
SSID "utroam" will be out of service from April 28, 5pm.
For users of this service, please use SSID "utroam-1x".
People already using "utroam-1x" are not necessary to change settings.
For further information, see here⇒
全学無線LANサービス (utroam) (in Japanese)
Guidance of utroam (oncampus access only)
The opening hours will be changed as follows: (10/9/2015)
10/30 Fri. 11/4 Wed 9:15 - 17:15
Temporary Suspension of Online Services. Sep 27,2015
On-Line resources and services(incl. OPAC,MyOPAC)
will be unavailable due to the power cut in the General Library.
Date: Sep 27(Sun.)
Time: 13:00 to 18:00
*The detail is following:
Open Hours in August 2015
OPEN : Monday to Friday 9:15 to 19:15
Temporary change of opening hours:
Aug 20(Thu.)、Aug 21 (Fri.)、Aug 27 (Fri.) 9:15 to 17:00
CLOSED : Saturdays, Sundays, Aug 13(Thu.) and Aug 14(Fri.)
*Only available for the members of building 15/16 who can enter it with magnetic stripe card (Entrance Card).
The opening hours will be changed as follows:
8/20 Thur. - 8/21 Fri. 9:15 - 17:00
The opening hours will be changed as follows: (3/4/2015)
3/11 Wed. 9:15 - 17:15
The opening hours will be changed as follows: (2/24/2015)
3/2 Mon. 9:15 - 17:15
3/20 Fri. - 3/31 Tue. 9:15 - 17:15
The opening hours will be changed as follows: (2/16/2015)
2/19 Thu. 9:15 - 17:15